General Questions

  • What is Simply Guyana?

Simply Guyana is an online country guide that helps people find great places to shop, dine, honeymoon, vacation and much more. Simply Guyana is the fun and easy way to find, and talk about what’s good and maybe not so good in Guyana.

  • Is Simply Guyana free?

Yes it sure is! Other than certain advertising features, you can use the site for absolutely free.

  • Who uses Simply Guyana?

A wide range of people use Simply Guyana, this may range from locals giving their reviews on places,  visitors looking for great places they can go to have fun and business people who may want to check up on reviews and have their ads on the site.
User Questions

  • What should I review on Simply Guyana?

Reviews can be done on any business place or organization on this site. It may be a restaurant, salon, Museum, hotel, once it is listed here as a physical place of establishment it can be reviewed by you the user. We believe the greatest reviews are adoring and personal. They submit a prosperous narrative, an abundance of detail, and a helpful tip or two for other consumers.

  • Can I say something negative?

Only you the user can give an honest account of the experience you had whether good or bad. Everyone is allowed to share their experiences with proper facts and details, however false information we will not be a part of.

  • Can I add a business/ Organization to the site?

Yes. You must first create an account with us on the site and you are allowed to add places with pictures and all the necessary details.

  • Can my account be removed?

Simply Guyana reserves the right to remove Accounts of users that we deem unlawful, objectionable or violate any party’s intellectual property or Terms of Service that we provide.

  • Do reviews ever get removed?

Reviews that does not comply with our terms of service can and will be removed from the site. A reviewer may remove his or her own review at their own will.

  • How do I get my ad to appear on this site?

You must  first register, login and enter your account after which you may proceed to upload as many banners as desired.