Simply Guyana was founded in 2011 to allow people in and out of Guyana to list, locate and review local businesses ranging from banks, barber shops, dentists, mechanics, car dealers, boat ferry operators and every other category you can think of. We stand by our name and reiterates that our site is Simply Guyana.
In addition to reviews and business listings, visitors may use to find events, business specials, advertise their products and services and much more. Business owners can setup free account and list their businesses and benefit from its extended exposure on our frequent visited website. Business owners may also post offers, photos, coupons and more to their customers.
Our main objective is to allow consumers to share their experiences and encounters with future consumers. We believe word of mouth is still an effective marketing tool; therefore the idea is to enable consumers to spread the word about consumer service, product deals and more. This in turn increases sales and services for local businesses by way of positive reviews.
Our only monetization model is advertising. We do not accept payments from business to change their reviews. Our website has permanent advertising spots that may be purchased and used by a business for better exposure on our website. Paying advertisers can never change or re-order their reviews. Please read our Content Guidelines before writing reviews.

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Reach customers in your neighborhood or across the entire web. Our content is consumer driven and is of great interest to both local residences and the international community. Our reports reflect that 25-35% of our site visitors are in search of a product or service. To advertise on our site please contact us.